Presentations & Publications / Présentations et publications

Journal Publications / Publications de revues:

  1. Ennis M, Renner R, Olure B, et al. Provision of care to diverse populations: results from the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. BMJ sexual & reproductive health. 2024: bmjsrh-2023-202175.
  2. Renner R, Ennis M, Kean L, et al. First and Second Trimester Surgical Abortion Providers and Services in 2019: Results from the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2023. In press.
  3. Ennis M, Renner RM, Olure B, et al. Experience of stigma and harassment among respondents to the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. Contraception. 2023; volume 124.
  4. Renner RM, Ennis M, Maazi M, et al. Development and pilot testing of the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2023;9(1):49-60.
  5. Renner RM, Ennis M, Contandriopoulos D, et al. Abortion services and providers in Canada in 2019: results of a national survey. CMAJOpen. 2022; 10(3):E856-E864.
  6. Renner RM*, Ennis M*, Kyeremeh A, et al. Telemedicine for First Trimester Medical Abortion in Canada: Results of a 2019 Survey. Journal of Telemedicine and e-Health. 2022. (*Co-first authors)
  7. Ennis M, Renner R, Guilbert E, et al. Provision of First-trimester Medication Abortion in 2019: Results from the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. Contraception. 2022; 113:P19-25.
  8. Renner R, Ennis M, Guilbert E, et al. Second- and Third-Trimester Medical Abortion Providers and Services in 2019: Results from the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2022; 44(6):P690-699.
  9. Ennis M, Wahl K, Jeong D, et al. The perspective of Canadian health care professionals on abortion service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Family Practice. 2021; 38(Suppl 1):i30-i36. by Oxford University Press as part of the 2022 Health Equity collection of top articles across all OUP Medicine and Health products).


Conference Proceedings (Published) / Actes de la conférence (publiés):

  1. Munro S, Ennis M, Olure B, Kean L, Begun S, Martin L, Harris L, Renner RM. Experiences of stigma and harassment among Canadian abortion providers: Results of the national CAPS survey. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Annual Clinical Scientific Conference. Quebec City, QC, 2022 June 7-10. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada , Volume 44, Issue 5, 619. DOI:
  2. Norman WV, Carson A, Cameron E, Yu Z, Abdulai A, Ennis M, Renner RM. Barriers and enablers to nurse practitioner provision of medication abortion in Canada: Results from a national survey. Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference. Quebec City, QC. Poster Presentation. 2022 June 7-10. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada , Volume 44, Issue 5, 622 – 623. DOI:
  3. Renner RM, Ennis M, Brooks M, Dineley B, Pymar H, Norman WV, Guilbert E. Provision of Surgical Abortion Care in Canada. Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference. Poster Presentation. Quebec City. 2022 June 7-10. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada , Volume 44, Issue 5, 626 – 627. DOI:
  4. Ennis M, Renner RM, Kyeremeh A, Norman WV, Dunn S, Pymar H, Guilbert E. Barriers to Telemedicine for First Trimester Medical Abortion Provision in Canada in 2019. Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada. Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference. Oral Presentation. Quebec City. 2022 June 7-10. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada , Volume 44, Issue 5, 626. DOI:
  5. Ennis M, Contandriopoulos D, Albert A, Guilbert E, Dunn S, Kaczorowski J, Norman WV, Renner RM. Development of a Fraud Detection Plan in a Survey of Canadian Abortion Providers. 49th NAPCRG Annual Meeting 2021. Oral Presentation. 2021 Nov 19-23.  [Virtual].
  6. Renner RM, Ennis M, Guilbert E, Dunn S, Albert A, Kean L, Norman WV. The 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. 49th NAPCRG Annual Meeting 2021. Oral Presentation. 2021 Nov 19-23.  [Virtual].
  7. Ennis M, Contandriopoulos D, Albert A, Guilbert E, Dunn S, Norman WV, Kaczorowski J, Styffe C, Renner RM. The Abortion Provider Workforce in Canada. Int J Gynecol Obstet, 2021 Oct;155: 127-532. Poster Presentation. FIGO World Congress, 2021. DOI:[Virtual]. Click herę to view the poster
  8. Wahl K, Ennis M, Jeong D, Knight K, Renner R, Munro S, Dunn S, Guilbert E, Norman WV. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on abortion services: Provider perspectives. Contraception, 2021 Oct;104(4): 453 – 454. Poster Presentation. Society of Family Planning Annual Meeting, 2021. DOI: [Virtual].
  9. Ennis M, Renner RM, Norman WV, Dunn S, Pymar H, Styffe C, Guilbert E. The role of telemedicine in first trimester medical abortion from the perspective of Canadian abortion providers. Contraception, 2021 Oct;104(4): P455. Poster Presentation. Society of Family Planning Annual Meeting, 2021. DOI: [Virtual].
  10. Renner R, Ennis M, Albert A, Roy G, Styffe C, Barrett J. Second/third trimester medical abortion provision after mifepristone approval: Findings from a 2019 Canadian Survey. Contraception, 2021 Oct;104(4): P455. Poster Presentation. Society of Family Planning Annual Meeting, 2021. DOI: [Virtual].
  11. Renner R, Wagner M-S, Dunn S, Guilbert E, Munro S, Grewal S, Norman WV. Development and testing for a national survey: The Canadian Abortion Provider Survey (CAPS). Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 2020 May;42(5):690. 2020 Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference. Doi: 10.1016/j.jogc.2020.02.095. Recorded oral presentation.


Conference Proceedings (Not published) / Actes de la conférence (non publiés):

  1. Ennis M, Renner RM, Guilbert E, Norman WV, Pymar, H, Dunn S. Provision of First Trimester Medical Abortion. 2021 Family Medicine Forum. Poster Presentation. 2021 Nov 10-13. Click here to view the poster.
  2. Ennis M, Renner RM, Guilbert E, Dunn S, Styffe C, Norman WV. Urban versus Rural Canadian Abortion Services in 2019. 2021 Family Medicine Forum. Poster Presentation. 2021 Nov 10-13. . Click here to view the poster.


Invited Presentations / Présentations invitées:

  1. Ennis M and Renner RM. Highlights from the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. BC Women’s Hospital Research Rounds. Oral presentation. 2022 Dec 16.
  2. Renner RM. Second and third medical abortion protocol with mifepristone. Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Annual Clinical Scientific Conference. Quebec City, QC, 2022 June 9.
  3. Ennis M and Renner RM. Medical abortion. Results from the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. 2022 Western Canadian Conference on Sexual Health. Oral presentation. 2022 Apr 30.
  4. Ennis M. Medical Abortion in Canada: Highlights from a Survey of Abortion Providers. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada’s (SOGC) 2022 West/Central CME. Oral presentation. 2022 Mar 17.
  5. Renner RM, Guilbert E. Faits saillants de l’Étude canadienne sur les services d’avortement (CAPS) 2019. The Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances (FQPN). Trois-Rivières, QC, 2022 May 12.
  6. Renner RM and Ennis M. Highlights from the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. The National Abortion Federation (NAF) webinar. Oral presentation. 2022 Mar 9.
  7. Ennis M. Impact of COVID-19 on access to abortion care. 7th BC Women’s – CART – Options Provincial Meeting. Oral presentation. 2022 Mar 4. 
  8. Ennis M and Renner RM. 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey workforce results in BC. 7th BC Women’s – CART – Options Provincial Meeting. Oral presentation. 2022 Mar 4. 
  9. Ennis M and Renner RM. Highlights from the Canadian Abortion Provider Survey. British Columbia Women’s Hospital & Health Centre Interprofessional Grand Rounds. Oral presentation. 2022 Feb 24.
  10. Ennis M and Renner RM. Miscarriage Management with Mifepristone: Results of a 2019 Survey. British Columbia Children’s Hospital Research Institute Healthy Starts & OCHaD Work In Progress Seminar. Oral presentation. 2022 Jan 12.
  11. Ennis M and Renner RM. Rural Access to Reproductive Healthcare in Canada. McGill Medical Students for Choice. Oral presentation. 2021 Dec 1.
  12. Olure B, Ennis M. Stigma and Harassment of Abortion Providers. National Abortion Federation (NAF): Regional Conference 2021 Fall Virtual Meeting. Oral presentation. 2021 Oct 23-24.
  13. Wahl K, Ennis M. Canadian Abortion Care during the Covid-19 Pandemic. National Abortion Federation (NAF): Regional Conference 2021 Fall Virtual Meeting. Oral presentation. 2021 Oct 23-24.
  14. Renner RM. Development of a Fraud Detection Plan in a Survey of Canadian Abortion Providers. Women’s Health Research Institute Research Rounds. Oral Presentation. 2021 Oct 15.
  15. Ennis M and Wahl K. Impact of the Pandemic on Family Planning. Women’s Health Research Institute Research Rounds. Oral Presentation. 2021 Aug 20.
  16. Renner RM. Off-label use of mifepristone. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). Oral Presentation. 2021 Jun.
  17. Ennis M, Wahl K, and Munro S. Impact of Covid 19 on Abortion Care. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). Oral Presentation. 2021 Jun.
  18. Wahl K, Ennis M, Renner RM. McGill Medical Students for Choice. Oral presentation. 2021 April-7
  19. Ennis M. The 2019 Canadian Abortion Survey (CAPS). National Abortion Federation (NAF): Regional Conference, 2020 Fall Virtual Meeting. Oral Presentation. 2020 Nov 21. [Virtual].


News / Presse

  1. Contemporary OB/GYN. Sandra Fyfe. 2019 Canadian national survey on abortion shows increase in available providers and services. Interview with Drs. Regina Renner and Madeleine Ennis. October 11, 2022.
  2. UBC Faculty of Medicine News. Dr. Madeleine Ennis. National survey of abortion care providers shows access has improved. September 28, 2022.
  3. The Conversation. Kate Wahl and Madeleine Ennis. How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected abortion care in Canada. Jan 5, 2022.
  4. National Post and The Canadian Press. Published the Conversation’s article described above on Jan 6, 2022.
  5. Radio Canada. Sarah Xenos. La pandémie a amélioré l’accès à l’avortement au pays, sauf au Québec, dit une étude. Interview with Dr. Madeleine Ennis and Kate Wahl on their publication in Family Practice: The perspective of Canadian health care professionals on abortion service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jan 12, 2022.
  6. CMAJ News. Greg Basky and Lauren Vogel. How the pandemic is transforming abortion access. Quoting Dr. Madeleine Ennis and Co-authors on their publication in Family Practice: The perspective of Canadian health care professionals on abortion service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jan 31, 2022.
  7. The Globe and Mail. Anusha Kav. Alberta dispenses fewer prescriptions for abortion pills than neighbouring provinces, data shows. Interview with Dr. Regina Renner on access to medical abortion in rural areas. Mar 1, 2022.