We would like to congratulate Sarah Munro, our new post-doctoral fellow, on receiving a trainee award from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. Please see this link for more information on her achievement: http://www.msfhr.org/news/msfhr-news/msfhr-announces-2016-trainee-award-recipients . Sarah is working on the mifepristone implementation study that we highlighted in our last post.
Sarah’s doctoral study at UBC, in the Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies program, focused on shared-decision making on birth after caesarean, in hopes of supporting women to make informed decisions about method of delivery. She is an advocate for patient centered care and has worked with health authorities including Fraser, Northern and Perinatal Services BC. In her words, “Producing research and implementing research are two different beasts. I am hopeful that by partnering with clinicians and health authority decision makers, our patient decision aid will be relevant for day-to-day practice and be implemented sustainably so that it has a positive impact on women’s childbirth experiences.”